Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 04.00 PM

Complaints Procedure

Our Complaints Procedure

At Capital Bancorp Plc, we are dedicated to providing excellent customer service and maintaining healthy relationships at all levels. However, we are aware that occasionally we may fall short of your expectations.

We would like to hear from you because every complaint or suggestion you make helps us to serve you better.

Capital Bancorp Plc has established a complaints management procedure to ensure that your complaint is dealt with in a fair and timely manner, while exercising due care, diligence and professionalism.

You can drop a written complaint at any of our offices or send an email to [email protected]

To help us investigate and resolve the issue as quickly as possible, please endeavor to provide us with the following information:

• Your full name, address and client account number

• A clear description of your concern or complaint

• A daytime telephone number through which we can contact you

• Copies of any relevant supporting documents

We aim to resolve your complaints as promptly as possible. We will keep you informed of the progress on the resolution of your complaint and the expected timeframe for resolution. Upon resolution of your complaint, we will write to you with details of the actions we are proposing or have taken.

In the event that your complaint is not resolved within 10 days, we will write again to inform you of the status of the resolution of your complaint.

If you are not satisfied with our actions, you may refer your complaint to:

The Broker Dealer Regulation Department
The Nigerian Stock Exchange
Stock Exchange House
2 – 4 Customs Street
Tel: 234 700 225 5623
Email: [email protected]