Mon - Fri : 09.00 AM - 04.00 PM

Bancorp Finance Limited – a wholly subsidiary of CAPITAL BANCORP PLC, is a Central Bank of Nigeria licensed Finance Company.

Our major business activities are in the areas of Equipment leasing (Operating and Finance) and lending of working capital. As a major Leasing firm since 1988 we believe that we are strategically placed to meet your leasing needs.

Bancorp Finance Limited offers direct lease financing at competitive but floating rates with terms ranging from 12 – 48 months to individuals, corporate bodies and institutions while our loan facilities tenor ranges from 1month to 12 months.

Service offerings

Credit Advisory

We assist prospective borrowers in preparing their credit proposals to Banks and other Financial Institutions, ensuring that such proposals are realistic, well articulated and structured to standard required by the lending institutions.

Short Term Loans

A short term loan is typically made by banks and finance institutions under their line of credit management. The short term loans are usually payable either on demand (a demand loan) or at some specific maturity (dated loans). Short term loans granted by Bancorp Finance Limited are usually dated loans payable at some specific maturity date.

Equipment Leasing

This is a contract between an owner of equipment(the Lessor) and another party(the Lessee) giving the Lessee possession and use of a specific asset in return for payment of specified rentals over an agreed period.

Basically, there are two major types which are:

(i) Finance or Capital Lease

(ii) Operating Lease

Insurance Premium Financing

BFL offers flexible premium financing programs with multiple benefits for our insurance partners and their insured. Sample terms might be:

• 25% down and 9 monthly payments or

• 15% down and 10 monthly payments